Dating websites cater to people all over the world, regardless of age, culture, ethnicity, or religion. There is a dating website for every person, and the .DATING TLD offers a namespace for them all. .DATING isn’t just for dating websites, however. This extension can also be used by bloggers who recount their experiences dating and using various matchmaking services, romantic venues and restaurants, and anybody looking to connect with others by creating a personalized online dating profile.
.dating Price
Register | SG$120.00/yr |
Renew | SG$120.00/yr |
Transfer | SG$120.00/yr |
.dating Registry Information
- TLD Type: New gTLDs
- Registry: Donuts
.dating Domain Information
TLD Type | nTLD |
Minimum Length | 2 characters |
Maximum Length | 63 characters |
Minimum Registration Period | 1 year(s) |
Maximum Registration Period | 10 year(s) |
IDN Supported | No |
WHOIS Privacy Available | Yes |
DNSSEC Supported | No |
Realtime Registration | Yes |
Registration Restrictions | None |
Proof of Document Required | No |
Trustee Service Available | No |
- .accountants
- .active
- .actor
- .actor
- .airforce
- .airforce
- .apartments
- .app
- .arab
- .army
- .army
- .art
- .associates
- .attorney
- .auction
- .audio
- .auto
- .baby
- .baby
- .band
- .bar
- .baseball
- .basketball
- .beauty
- .beauty
- .bet
- .bible
- .bingo
- .bio
- .black
- .blog
- .boats
- .book
- .broadway
- .broker
- .build
- .business
- .buy
- .buzz
- .cafe
- .cam
- .capital
- .cards
- .care
- .cars
- .casa
- .cash
- .casino
- .catering
- .ceo
- .chat
- .church
- .church
- .city
- .claims
- .cleaning
- .clinic
- .cloud
- .club
- .coach
- .college
- .community
- .community
- .condos
- .consulting
- .contact
- .cool
- .coupons
- .credit
- .creditcard
- .cricket
- .dad
- .data
- .date
- .deals
- .degree
- .delivery
- .democrat
- .dental
- .dentist
- .design
- .diet
- .diet
- .digital
- .direct
- .discount
- .doctor
- .dog
- .eco
- .energy
- .engineer
- .engineering
- .events
- .exchange
- .expert
- .exposed
- .express
- .express
- .fail
- .faith
- .family
- .family
- .fan
- .fan
- .fans
- .farm
- .fashion
- .fashion
- .film
- .finance
- .financial
- .fish
- .fishing
- .fit
- .fitness
- .fitness
- .flowers
- .food
- .football
- .forsale
- .forum
- .free
- .fund
- .furniture
- .futbol
- .fyi
- .games
- .garden
- .gent
- .gifts
- .gives
- .global
- .gmbh
- .gold
- .golf
- .gop
- .gratis
- .green
- .gripe
- .group
- .group
- .guide
- .hair
- .haus
- .health
- .health
- .healthcare
- .help
- .hiv
- .hockey
- .holiday
- .hospital
- .hosting
- .hot
- .icu
- .immo
- .immobilien
- .industries
- .insurance
- .insure
- .investments
- .irish
- .jetzt
- .jewelry
- .juegos
- .kaufen
- .kim
- .kiwi
- .kosher
- .lat
- .latino
- .law
- .lawyer
- .lds
- .lease
- .legal
- .lgbt
- .life
- .lifestyle
- .limited
- .live
- .live
- .living
- .living
- .loans
- .love
- .love
- .ltd
- .maison
- .map
- .market
- .marketing
- .mba
- .mba
- .media
- .memorial
- .mobile
- .moda
- .mom
- .mom
- .money
- .mortgage
- .moto
- .movie
- .navy
- .navy
- .network
- .news
- .ninja
- .now
- .nowruz
- .online
- .organic
- .pars
- .partners
- .parts
- .phd
- .phone
- .pictures
- .pizza
- .place
- .plus
- .poker
- .productions
- .properties
- .property
- .pub
- .racing
- .radio
- .realestate
- .realty
- .Red
- .rehab
- .reisen
- .ren
- .rent
- .report
- .republican
- .republican
- .restaurant
- .reviews
- .rip
- .rocks
- .rugby
- .run
- .sale
- .salon
- .sarl
- .school
- .schule
- .scot
- .search
- .security
- .services
- .shia
- .shop
- .shopping
- .show
- .site
- .ski
- .soccer
- .social
- .software
- .soy
- .storage
- .store
- .studio
- .style
- .style
- .sucks
- .supplies
- .supply
- .surgery
- .tax
- .taxi
- .team
- .tech
- .tennis
- .theater
- .tickets
- .tienda
- .tires
- .tools
- .top
- .tours
- .town
- .toys
- .trading
- .tube
- .university
- .uno
- .vet
- .vet
- .viajes
- .video
- .vin
- .vip
- .vip
- .vision
- .vision
- .vote
- .vote
- .voting
- .voto
- .wang
- .watch
- .website
- .wedding
- .wedding
- .whoswho
- .wine
- .works
- .world
- .wow
- .wtf
- .时尚
- .商店
- .дети
- .娱乐
- .健康
- .рус
- .天主教
- .游戏
- .企业
- .yoga