The average couple spends $26,000 on their wedding, making the matrimonial industry a profitable and growing business to be a part of. .WEDDING offers a way for businesses linked to the wedding industry to better network and increase an online presence, by providing an industry-specific TLD. Because couples are more and more apt to plan weddings, build registries, and share ideas online, .WEDDING is perfect for planners, venues, photographers, designers, dress shops, florists, bakers, or anyone who blogs about weddings.
.wedding Price
Register | SG$70.00/yr |
Renew | SG$70.00/yr |
Transfer | SG$70.00/yr |
.wedding Registry Information
- TLD Type: New gTLDs
- Registry: Minds + Machines
.wedding Domain Information
TLD Type | nTLD |
Minimum Length | 2 characters |
Maximum Length | 63 characters |
Minimum Registration Period | 1 year(s) |
Maximum Registration Period | 10 year(s) |
IDN Supported | No |
WHOIS Privacy Available | Yes |
DNSSEC Supported | No |
Realtime Registration | Yes |
Registration Restrictions | None |
Proof of Document Required | No |
Trustee Service Available | No |
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- .时尚
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- .天主教
- .游戏
- .企业
- .yoga