Voting isn’t just a means to elect government officials or decide which laws go into effect. Businesses, entertainment outlets, magazines, and other groups use polls, votes, and surveys to hook into their customer base, establish trends and patterns, and gauge their market. .VOTE provides a recognizable TLD that enables voters and pollsters by providing a domain namespace specific to the purpose of voting. .VOTE can be registered by any entity for any purpose, making it both functional and accessible.
.vote Price
Register | SG$130.00/yr |
Renew | SG$130.00/yr |
Transfer | SG$130.00/yr |
.vote Registry Information
- TLD Type: New gTLDs
- Registry: Afilias
.vote Domain Information
TLD Type | nTLD |
Minimum Length | 2 characters |
Maximum Length | 63 characters |
Minimum Registration Period | 1 year(s) |
Maximum Registration Period | 10 year(s) |
IDN Supported | No |
WHOIS Privacy Available | Yes |
DNSSEC Supported | No |
Realtime Registration | Yes |
Registration Restrictions | None |
Proof of Document Required | No |
Trustee Service Available | No |
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- .uno
- .vet
- .vet
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- .vip
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- .vision
- .voting
- .voto
- .wang
- .watch
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- .wedding
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- .wine
- .works
- .world
- .wow
- .wtf
- .时尚
- .商店
- .дети
- .娱乐
- .健康
- .рус
- .天主教
- .游戏
- .企业
- .yoga